Proceedings of the expedition to explore the Northern coast of Afrika, from Tripoli eastward, in 1821 and 1822 : Comprehending an account of the greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica; and of the ancient cities composing the Pentapolis
TitelProceedings of the expedition to explore the Northern coast of Afrika, from Tripoli eastward, in 1821 and 1822 : Comprehending an account of the greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica; and of the ancient cities composing the Pentapolis
Plaats van uitgaveLondon
UitgeverMurray, J.
Jaar van uitgave1828
Pagina'sXXXIV, 572 pg., appendix de XLIII pg.
Illustraties11 pl., 2 grav., 9 krt., 5 tab.
Blader door boek
Onderwerpreizen: Noord-Afrika
Geografisch trefwoordAfrika