account of an embassy to the court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet; containing a narrative of a journey through Bootan, and part of Tibet. To which are added views taken on the spot by Lt. Samuel Davis; and observations botanical, mineralogical and medical by M. Robert Saunders.
Object number15045
TitleAn account of an embassy to the court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet; containing a narrative of a journey through Bootan, and part of Tibet. To which are added views taken on the spot by Lt. Samuel Davis; and observations botanical, mineralogical and medical by M. Robert Saunders.
Illustrator Samuel Davis
Place of publicationLondon
PublisherBulmer, Gul.
Year of publication1800
PaginationXXVIII - 473
Illustrations1 carte, 13 pl. gr.