voyage towards the South Pole and round the world. Performed in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Adventure in the years 1772-1775. In which is included Captain Furneaux's Narrative of his Proceedings in the Adventure during the Separation of the ships.
Object number4826
TitleA voyage towards the South Pole and round the world. Performed in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Adventure in the years 1772-1775. In which is included Captain Furneaux's Narrative of his Proceedings in the Adventure during the Separation of the ships.
Place of publicationLondon
PublisherStraham, W.
Year of publication1777
Paginationdl I: 378; dl II: 396 pag.
Illustrationsill., krtn
Dimensions2 vol. 4°
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NotesDeuxième édition. Second voyage de J. Cook; pour le premier voyez J. Hawkesworth.
L'atlas renferme des cartes, des plans, des portraits, etc. grav. par. Hodges.
L'atlas renferme des cartes, des plans, des portraits, etc. grav. par. Hodges.