voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken, by the command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere : performed under the direction of Captains Cook, Clerke and Gore, in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Discovery, in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780.
Object number4824
TitleA voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken, by the command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere : performed under the direction of Captains Cook, Clerke and Gore, in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Discovery, in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780.
Place of publicationLonden
Year of publication1784
Illustrations87 pl
Dimensions3 vol. 4° et atlas in fol.
NotesTroisième voyage de J. Cook. Tome I et II sont écrits par James Cook. Tome III par le captaine James King.
L'atlas renferme des cartes, des plans, des portraits, des vues pittoresques, etc. grav. d'après les dessins de M.M. H. Roberts et Webber.
L'atlas renferme des cartes, des plans, des portraits, des vues pittoresques, etc. grav. d'après les dessins de M.M. H. Roberts et Webber.
Copy number | 17515 |
Shelfmark | 143i 31 |
Loan status |