Waterfowl of the world. Volume four. General habits, the Reproductive Circle, Ecology, Distribution and Species Relationships, Fowling, Conservation and Management, Aviculture, Domestic Waterfowl, The Anatomy of Waterfowl, Fossil Anseriformes, Corrections and Additions.
Object number4407
TitleThe Waterfowl of the world. Volume four. General habits, the Reproductive Circle, Ecology, Distribution and Species Relationships, Fowling, Conservation and Management, Aviculture, Domestic Waterfowl, The Anatomy of Waterfowl, Fossil Anseriformes, Corrections and Additions.
Place of publicationLondon
PublisherCountry life
Year of publication1959
Illustrationsill. six plates in color by P. Scott
NotesCollectie Belterman
Subjectvogels, ornithologie