ferns of North America. Colored figures and descriptions, with synonymy and geographical distribution of the ferns (including the Ophioglossaceae) of the United States of North America and the british North American possesions.
Object number1598
TitleThe ferns of North America. Colored figures and descriptions, with synonymy and geographical distribution of the ferns (including the Ophioglossaceae) of the United States of North America and the british North American possesions.
Place of publicationSalem
PublisherCassino, S.E.
Year of publication1879-1880
PaginationI: XIV-352 p. ; II: XXXI-285 p.
IllustrationsI: 76 ill. sur. 45 pl. ; II: 69 ill. sur. pl. 46-81
Dimensions2 vol. 4°
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Notespl. lith. et col. d'après les dessins de J.H. Emerton et C.E. Faxon